Rock 'n Rolling: My ONE OK ROCK Luxury Disease Asia Tour 2023 Manila Experience

Growing up as an anime otaku, it has been a dream of mine to experience firsthand an anime or Japanese-related music festival or concert. I never imagined that this year, September 26, to be exact, would be the day that I got to finally fulfill it and see one of my all-time favorite Japanese bands live.

It was around 2014 when the second live adaptation of Rurouni Kenshin was announced. Mind you, I am not even a fan yet of that anime, as I have been into shoujo anime and romance anime. I fell in love with the live action; I started watching the anime; I started reading the manga, though I never finished it; and when they released the third live action, I felt even more for it. It's quite rare for a live-action film to do justice to its anime or manga. Aside from the great story line, perfect casting choice, awesome fighting scenes, and mesmerizing effects, their choice of music and OST is what makes the live adaptation a chief kiss.

It was through it that I was introduced to one of the awesome Japanese bands called One OK Rock. Since then, I have been listening to their songs day and night. It was just really exciting to see them grow and get the recognition they deserve.

ONE OK ROCK is a Japanese rock band formed in 2005 and debuted in 2007. They have cultivated a following among the youth for their mix of emo and rock music paired with breathtaking live performances. 

They are composed of four equally handsome members, namely Taka, the main vocalist, Toru, the guitarist, Ryota, the bassist, and Tomoya, the drummer.

Sadly, I never got the chance to attend their past two concerts in the Philippines. Lucky for me, for their third concert, I finally got to see them. A little side comment: It's been more than a month since the concert, but it feels just like yesterday, and I can't help but think PCD is real.

Funny enough, I encountered too many bumps when I was trying to secure my ticket. First, they announced the selling date, like 2 or 3 weeks before the date, if I'm not mistaken. I don't have much time to save for the ticket I originally wanted because I also have to think about my flight and accommodations because I'm from Cebu. Second, the concert date happens to be on weekdays, so getting a leave from work is quite impossible. However, my cousin has convinced me to attend it anyway, as it might be a once-in-a-lifetime experience as we don't know when they will be back. Luckily, I got the approval to leave work. Third, a few days before the ticket release, my cousin is going away to attend a concert, so they can't help me get a ticket. My other cousin also has an exam that weekend, so she can't lend me her laptop. So, I ended up buying a new laptop earlier than planned for me to use. I can't use my phone it was dying at that time. Lastly, 30 minutes before the actual ticket selling, I was already waiting, which got me in the queue with no worries, but when I was about to pay, I didn't know they wouldn't accept GCash as a mode of payment. I didn't have anybody at that time; I tried again, using my other card, however, I encountered a lot of errors, and just like that, I gave up. Thinking it wasn't for me.

Nah, just kidding; of course, I won't give up without a fight. After an hour, I tried again with no expectations. I reserve the seat I was assigned to, but not much luck for me as they keep declining my other card, or more like it was due to adrenaline; I was not thinking straight. When I started to think more rationally, I was prompted to a new seat as the previous seats had been sold. I tried to make a payment again, and boom, the payment got through. I have now gotten my ticket and seat.

I was so exhausted fighting to get my ticket that right after I secured it, I felt asleep, and when I woke up after an hour, all the tickets had been sold out. Thank you, universe, for conspiring with me. Up until now that the concert is over, I still can't believe I got the ticket and have attended their concert.

A month before the concert, I booked my plane ticket and accommodation. I didn't have much of an itinerary, as I was only allowed to leave work for two days. I don't have much of a choice but to leave the same day as the concert and be back to Cebu the next day. So, I decided to book the cheapest and earliest flight going to Manila just in case there would be any delay with the flight or traffic going to the venue. It was also during this time that there was an issue with other airlines canceling or delaying the flights, so I was a little worried. Gladly, I didn't have any issues with my flight; I even bumped into my university friend. The only problem I encountered was getting scammed by the taxi driver I was riding going to the location, which was a lesson learned for me.

Anyway, I arrived before 9 a.m. for the concert that will open its gates by 6 p.m. So, I decided to roam around and familiarize myself with the area. Good thing the Airbnb I have booked is just walking distance from the concert venue. Maybe because I arrived way too early or because I am an introvert, I got exhausted that I decided to go back to the Airbnb and stay there before the fan event I will be attending before the concert.

As a first-time concertgoer, I didn't think much. What I have in mind is to just be there for the concert. So, a few weeks before the concert, my cousin asked me if I would be joining any fan events. Which really never occurred to me. Last minute, I have been looking and joining groups on Facebook. There, I discovered a Teen Fresh-organized event called Renegades. Where I have met my new friends. At first, I thought it was going to be awkward going alone as most of them were in pairs or groups, but it turns out to be really fun. There was fan-made merchandise you could purchase, some delicious food and drinks to indulge in, raffle prices to win, and some freebies. Though I wish it was held at a bigger venue or they have reduced the limit as others were not able to find a seat and have decided to leave early, but still a great way for me to connect with the fellow fan.

After the fan event, I went to the coliseum to wait for the gates to open. When I arrived, there was already a large crowd waiting outside. One thing I regret is that I didn't go back early, so I didn't get the chance to write on the banner you are seeing in the first photo. I didn't know it was a thing. Well, something I definitely look forward next time.

Anyway, a huge thank you to the lady who took my photos in front of the coliseum. I was a little shy at first to ask random strangers to take my photo, but I'm sure I'm going to regret it if I don't have at least one photo. So, I just reminded myself to enjoy it while it lasts. Gladly, everyone was really friendly, and others were giving snacks, stickers, bracelets, and more.

Okay, maybe the reason why my first few attempts to get the ticket have been a failure is because I was meant to get the perfect seat in the middle area across the main stage, with the best view of both the stage and the screens. Like, no kidding, the seats that I previously got are at the left corner of the stage, where you can't barely see the screen and the stage.

How I wish I'd been good with words to accurately describe the whole experience. It was really wild and fun from start to finish.  I'm just really glad that this is my first (Japanese) concert. Everyone was jumping, stamping, singing along, and screaming (in a good way). The band have played a total of 17 songs for the show. I have two songs that I'm unfamiliar with, but when I listen to them, I immediately feel in love. Even with the technical issues, they never disappointed us, as they played it again. I know the crowd is requesting for them to sing their most popular song, We Are, but honestly, I really wish they had played their song Heartache, as it was the very first song I listened to and fell in love with.

It was really one of the best nights of my life. If you want to listen to their Manila Song Setlist, you can check out this Spotify playlist.

Sadly, it must come to an end, but I look forward to their promise that they will be back in the Philippines in 3 years with their new album.